Effective Website Promotion Ideas and Techniques

Here are some effective website promotion ideas, tips and techniques to drive more and better traffic to your website. Read ahead to find out what these website promotion techniques are.
Do you have any idea as to how many websites exist on the world wide web? Take a guess, even if it is a wild one. A hundred thousand? Five hundred thousand? One million? Ten million? One billion? Okay, here's the answer. The total number of websites that exist on the Internet is a little over a whopping 5 billion. Can you believe that? Well, you have to! You don't have a choice!

Now consider this scenario. Consider yourself as being a newbie entrepreneur who has just launched an exciting startup venture in a popular commercial field (for example, nutrition and healthcare). Now, considering the mass global appeal that the Internet has, you decide to launch your own website in an effort to give your business a digital identity, and one which is visible to the entire world at the click of a mouse. But have you considered the odds of your brand new website competing with the other 5 billion established websites in terms of reaching across to the global Internet audience? Where would your website stand in terms of Internet supremacy? Needless to say, you will have to heavily promote your website if you want to see it stand out and succeed, rather than get lost in the massive crowd. So how do go about it? Well, for starters, here are some useful website promotion ideas and tips to begin with.

Effective Website Promotion Ideas and Techniques
Here are some effective website promotion techniques and ideas for you to keep in mind.

Optimized Content
Make sure that all of your website content is original, and more importantly, that it is optimized from the perspective of search engine optimization (SEO). By original content, I mean content that is not plagiarized, i.e. copied, stolen, borrowed, duplicated or summarized from any other similar existing piece of work. Make proper use of title tags, meta tags, keywords, etc. Read more on what makes a good website.

SEO Consultation
If you are not knowledgeable enough about SEO practices and optimization techniques, then the best thing to do in the circumstances, is to seek the services of a specialist SEO services consultancy or firm. Those guys are always well-informed about the latest updates regarding search engine algorithms, latest trends, best practices, etc. Rest assured, with them, your website will be in safe hands. Here are a few SEO tips for your benefit. You can also read more on the role of professional SEO consultant services.

Link Building
Link building plays a very important role in your website moving up the ranks in Internet search engine results. Get backlinks to your website from different popular sites, reputed sites, social networking sites, and if possible, government sites. Also,website submission to several web directories is also a good idea if you want to increase web traffic.

In addition to the above-mentioned ideas, here are a few more website promotion tips for you to implement:
  • Try and implement the concept of link exchange or reciprocal links. It can help in bettering your page rank and can drive newer audiences and wider traffic to your website. However, make sure that you do indulge in link exchange only with reputed and ethical websites, or else this move may backfire.
  • Use graphics and animation effects if you can. Today, if a picture is worth a thousand words, then an animation is probably worth a few multiples. However, be smart and tactful when dealing with the graphical aspect of your website. Do not overload your website with glittery graphics, banners and unnecessary animation effects. It will not only look disturbing to the viewer, but will also result in a larger page size (meaning the webpage will take that much longer to fully load).
  • Create a blog on the same topic as your website and link it to your website. A blog opens up the possibility of reaching across to a diverse network of Internet users. Post reviews, articles and regular updates pertaining to your website, your product, or your service.
  • Start with Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising programs or campaigns such as Google AdWords for advertising and marketing your website across a large medium (in this case, the Google search engine). It is a hugely popular and equally successful method of promoting your website, and of driving quality web traffic towards it.
  • Do not forget other offline methods of website promotion. Use every available opportunity to publish and promote your website URL. Print it on your company brochure, product leaflet, business card, letter head, etc. Also, include it in your emails below your email signature, etc.
  • Come up with interesting ways to draw visitors to your website and keep them hooked. Include contests, visitor polls, questionnaires, etc. Award freebies, product samples, etc. to those visitors who participate sincerely and with a genuine interest in all of your polls, surveys and questionnaires.
Well, these were a few useful website promotion ideas for you to consider and implement. You can read more on website marketing techniques and how to advertise a website. All the best!

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