Best Questions To Ask Your Someone Specials

Personal questions to ask your girl friend! Well,what will be more gripping than this when you are having a conversation with that special someone?get a taste of that by reading on........
Okay, well! What do we have here? Questions which are personal and you want to ask your girlfriend or prospective girlfriend. Scared? Don't worry, things are not so bad as they seem to be! But yes, the apprehension, skepticism and anxiousness is evident and understandable. The reason could be the level of your relationship with your girlfriend, am I right? But if you have a achieved a level of comfort with her, I don't think this would be such an intimidating or daunting task. In fact you can take your relationship a step ahead. I mean being subtle and discreet will be the key here while you dig deeper into your girlfriend's psyche (at least make the best attempts to do so!). So are you ready for some spicy, some serious, and some fun personal questions to ask your girlfriend?

Good Personal Questions to Ask your Girlfriend

Okay, good personal questions to ask your girlfriend does not mean that they cannot be those fun questions to ask your girlfriend, right? Going a wee bit ahead, you can even make those question spicy as well! So let's us keep the morality and coyness away and shoot!

What are things you like to do alone?
So you see, we start discreetly with lovey dovey and fun questions to ask your girlfriend and then move on to some snazzy and jazzy questions.

If you have to change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Introspection, they say is the key to self improvement through realization. Brownie points here!

Tell me about one of your pet peeves.
Nice, keep up the good work pal!

When you met me for the first time, what was the first thing that attracted you to me?
Oh yeah! Now you are talking business!

Your opinion about open relationships?
This is going to be a really tricky one for her!

What is intimacy for you?
Not bad, for starters, huh?

After I had asked you out for the first time, was there any part of you that wanted to say no?
Way to go man!

Did you take anyone's help to figure out how to ask me out on a date?
She is going to laugh at this! But never mind, laughter is the best medicine!

Who would have been your boyfriend if I would have never met you?
Ah, now, now, that is a smart one there! Personal questions to ask your girlfriend can get nothing better than this!

What, according to you is the root of most problems in relationships?
Amid the plethora of relationship questions to ask, this is a perceptive one, good going!

Has anyone cheated on you?
Oh yes ! Hell hath no fury than a woman scorned! Beware!

If I don't express it to you, how do you know that I want to make love?
Don't provoke the femme fatale man! You never know! Romantic questions to ask your girlfriend are getting better huh?

What's the first thing you notice about guys?
That is cool enough!

What is your sexual fantasy and do I feature in it?
Talk about good questions to ask a girl and whoa! This will be really interesting!

How do you like the art of lovemaking? Lights on or lights off?
Oh yes, you are sure turning the heat on!

Well, poof! That was quite something amongst personal questions to ask your girlfriend, what say? Now let's go for some general but sort ofrandom questions to ask your girlfriend, ready?

Random Personal Questions to Ask your Girlfriend

What is your favorite curse word?
Trust me, this is going to be real fun! From stupid or the much famed other curse word, you are sure going to get surprises!

Which is the household chore on blacklist?
This is a cute one!

Is there a thing you regret the most?
This will help her open up to you and bond emotionally.

Who is your favorite and the most disliked family member?
All the gossip and the ranting is about to follow, so beware guys!

Which has been or have been your really embarrassing moments?
Okay, this might make her turn red or pink (in embarrassment!) it will be fun, all the same!

There are many more of such personal questions to ask your girlfriend, even more personal, regarding relationship issues and well, 'sexy'! Ingood questions to ask your girlfriend, the trick lies in how you ask them. Be subtle and be polite and most importantly listen to her answers!

If she is not comfortable with answering some question, let it go! She needs her space, just as you do and might at some point of time! Finally, if you feel you have hit the wrong chord, a sorry would not do any harm! All the best!

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