Best Questions to Ask Before Ending a Relationship

If you think break ups are the only solution for a relationship that's gone sour, you might be mistaken. Here's a look at some questions to ask before ending a relationship; these questions would help you to gauge the situation and arrive to the right conclusion.
 When cupid strikes and you only see and feel love around you, let's face it people, you are truly, madly, deeply in love! All of us know that typical heady feeling you experience when in love. While some couples live happily ever after, there are few that do not really end up together as planned! Break ups are the most difficult things to deal with about a relationship especially when falling in love is always so easy... forgetting someone seems to take an eternity! 

While in a relationship, there are many times when a couple may consider that drastic step. For some, there really is no way out, but then, have you given a thought for a better way out? There are some things you need to ponder before you call it the quits unless your partner has really been abusive and uncouth in the mannerisms towards you. There are various reasons, which may cause you to break up with your partner, but before you arrive to a conclusion, I would like to suggest a few questions to ask yourself before ending a relationship. This will help you to analyze the situation and take a rational decision without really trying the extremes. Let's face it people, this is the same person you loved and yearned to spend every single minute of the day. This is also the same person whose voice cheered you up on a dull day. This is still the same person you wanted to spend the rest of your life with! So before ending a relationship, here are some questions you need to ask yourself. These questions should hopefully help you to arrive to the right decision and ultimately find true happiness.

Questions to Ask Before Ending a Relationship

Have you drifted apart in due course of time?
Trust me; with the kind of hectic schedule you both would be having, sometimes couple just tend to drift apart. In that case, you would need to give it a serious thought. Are you feeling the need to end the relationship only because he/she does not have time for you? Spending quality time with each other is extremely important for a relationship. You need to develop a bond and if he/she is busy all the time, then it's obvious you both are going to feel the strain and one of you would really get bored of endlessly waiting for him/her. If you have been stood up for all the dates or if you always wait for his/her phone calls (after endless promises of calling back in 5 minutes); then you need to give it a serious thought and talk it out with your partner. If your partner gives you the same old talk then I think you would be wise enough to move on. But if there is some genuine reason for his long disappearances, then you need to have a talk and try to solve the issue rather than opting for a break up.

Do you really wish things should work out for the better?
No matter how much you hate him/her, the bottom line remains you also are in love with the same person and break ups can be tough really! If you still have a feeling of longing to be with him/her, then try to know if there can be a solution rather than walking out on your partner. This will at least give you the satisfaction you have tried. And if you are lucky enough, you both might just rediscover the joys of a new relationship with each other altogether!

Has he/she broken your trust?
Amongst the numerous reasons for ending a relationship, infidelity is one of the most common ones. Let's face it, people live in this fast paced life and many do not have the inclination for a long-term relationship. With flings and one-night stands on the rise, cheating out on your partner is definitely not a done thing. Are you really in love with your partner and can you forgive him/her and begin the relationship all over again? Would you trust him/her completely again? Or does your partner have the habit of lying all the time? Trust is the basic foundation of any relationship; therefore, know the truth before you end the relationship. This question should be asked before ending a relationship because it would help you to tackle the situation more effectively. Believing gossipmongers simply worsens the situation. If your partner has broken the trust you placed in him/her, it would only be better you tackle him/her directly and solve the problem. If you think he/she is covering up his/her tracks, then only you would be able to know if the entire relationship is worth all the effort.

Is it because of lack of communication?
Communication and spending time with each other is extremely important for any relationship if you wish for its growth. The lack of communication will obviously lead to misunderstandings. Effective communication is required to know and understand each other's requirements in a relationship. Do you think you can develop a healthy relationship with your partner if you both mend your ways? Or have you reached a stage when you are too tired to even try? How important is he/she to you? If you think it's worth the effort, then go ahead and talk it out.

Is it because of family issues?
Sometimes, families can also affect any relationship that's probably going the right way. No two individual are the same and if your family does not approve your beloved, then you need to know few things.
  • Would you be able to leave your family only for the sake of your partner?
  • Would you be able to talk it out altogether and arrive at a mid point?
  • Would you prefer to stick to your family?
There are many times when family pressures may force you to end the relationship. In that case, before you end the relationship, you must know if you would be able to handle his/her absence in your life. If your partner is worth it, then there is no harm in trying to talk it out and resolve issues rather than losing your beloved. These are probably just the initial hurdles, so you must know the depths of the relationship before you decide to end it altogether.

Have you lost that spark in the relationship?
Many times, hectic work schedule and responsibilities steal all the zing from any relationship. In that case, you would need to know whether you could restore it back. This can happen to anybody and breaking up is not the only solution. Communicate. Do something special for him/her. A tiny gesture is enough to get the warmth back into the relationship. Plan a surprise dinner. Send a special love message through flowers. These little things go a long way to adding the romance to a relationship.

Are you'll having different goals?
As time passes, sometimes, a couple's priorities may also undergo a change in life. In that case, you might want to end the relationship simply because you don't share common goals. In that case, can you work your way around it? Is there some common point you both can come to? Have you taken interest in your partner's work profile or hobbies? Does he/she make the same effort? The answers to these questions would surely help you to arrive to a right conclusion. You can also refer to: Ways to end relationships.

These questions to ask before ending a relationship would help you to assess the situation rather than flying off the handle and running away from it. Here's hoping you find true love and stay happy forever and ever!

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