Best Funny Questions to Ask Your Friends

There can be nothing better than some funny questions to ask friends to brighten up a dull and boring day. Here is something on those lines which will give you a nice dose of the world's best medicine, laughter!

The other day I was just hanging out with my friends, having a great time, drinking to merriment and talking almost utter nonsense like there is no tomorrow and no worries to hound us. Nevertheless, we were having this absolutely irrational conversation and suddenly out of the blue, one of my friends threw a googly at me. He asked me "have you quit smoking"? Now he knows that I would not do that even in my dreams! Nevertheless the point was that this is a very funny and very tricky question! You say yes, you are duped. You say no and you are in an equal mess! But these things are what make being with friends so special. Would you want to know some more of such funny questions to ask friends? Feel free to check out the text to follow!

Funny Questions to Ask Your Friends

  • Describe Dad/Mom when you saw him/her for the first time?
  • Do you dance like a mad hatter when no one is looking?
  • Do you sing in the shower?
  • What do you sing in the shower, if you do sing?
  • When (according to you) no one is looking what do you do?
  • Why is there a difference between normal ketchup, and fancy ketchup?
  • Reasons they call the Lone Ranger lone, when Tonto is always with him?
  • If KFC Stands for Kentucky Fried Chicken, why do they play Sweet Home Alabama in their commercials?
  • Why are people scared of mice, but not afraid of Mickey Mouse, the biggest mouse in the world?
  • Do raisins turn into grapes again if you soak some raisins in water?
  • Can a bald person get dandruff?
  • What is your weirdest quirk?
  • When is it okay to tell a lie, if you ever tell one?
  • How old are you in your dreams?
  • A person who plays the piano called a pianist but a person who drives a race car not called a racist?
  • Why is the man who invests all your money called a 'broker'?
Funny Questions to Ask friends on Facebook
  • I was thinking about how mothers feed their babies with little spoons and forks so I wondered what is used by Chinese mothers, Toothpicks?
  • If Fed Ex and UPS were to merge, would they call it Fed UP?
  • What if you're in hell, and you're mad at someone, where do you tell him or her to go?
  • Ever been caught picking your nose?
  • Can you continuously talk for 3 minutes without stopping?
  • Why do some people go to the refrigerator again and again with hopes that something new to eat will have suddenly appeared?
  • Why is it that your greatest hobby is to fight with me or scold me?
  • Do you think I have ever been arrested?
  • What was your impression about me when you saw me for the first time?
  • If you had to pick a vegetable, what vegetable you would choose which resembles me?
Well, these last few were funny questions to ask friends about yourself, but weren't they interesting enough? I mean answers to these first impression questions can be absolutely hilarious! God! What impressions do people get about you! Furthermore, these are amazing as conversation starters or icebreakers as well!

This was just a glimpse of what could be amongst those really funny questions to ask friends! Amongst fun questions to ask, there can be so many more amongst such questions! A nice sense of humor and a little bit of wit does the trick! Laugh it off!

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