Best Ways To Get A Guy To Like You

Looking for ways to get a guy to like you? The following article is a must read for all girls who want "that cute guy" to ask them out.

It is often the case that when a girl starts liking a guy, she goes out of her way to impress him. She might dress up differently or talk about things that the guy likes, just to get his attention. Or, she might totally be tongue-tied and would not know what to do when he is around. Let me tell you, if you find yourself behaving in either of these ways, there are very grim chances that you would succeed. But if you take the following relationship advice and follow these ways to get a guy to like you, you might succeed.

The Best Ways to Get a Guy to Like You

Like Yourself
If you do not like who you are, how do you expect others to like you? So, before making someone else fall for you or before dating someone, learn to like yourself. Build your self-confidence, know your pluses and minuses. Be optimistic and always act positive. No guy will like a needy girl who always wants his attention. So, like yourself, be confident and have a life of your own.

Be Yourself
If you want to know how to get someone to like you, then the best thing that you can do is to just be yourself. Do not try to impress him or do things or act in ways which is normal for you. If someone has to like you, he will like you the way you are. Moreover, nobody likes to be in the company of fake people. If you pretend to be someone else and then after a few dates the guy discovers the "real" you, he might feel disappointed. So, one of the ways to get a guy to like you more is to be who you are.

Keep things Simple
If a guy feels that you are too complicated to be understood, he might find it extremely difficult to take things forward with you or form a relationship with you. So, be as simple as possible and most of all, be approachable so that the guy does not feel uneasy when he is around you.

Be Intelligent
Another way to get a guy to like you more is to be intelligent. And being intelligent in no way means that you have to know everything, however be aware of things around you. Do not just limit your conversations to dresses, shoes and cosmetics. Try to know a bit about sports, politics, food and other everyday conversation topics, so that you have some interesting things to talk about with the guy.

Develop a Hobby
If you tell the guy that you are passionate about something, be it music or dance or drawing, he will surely find you much more interesting. So, inculcate a hobby and who knows at your hobby class, you might find a guy who is even more cute and charming than the one you are trying so hard to impress?

Develop Sense of Humor
Although, it can not be done overnight, still you can smile and come across as a happy person. You can tell the guy some funny incidences that might have happened with you. If you do not have something funny to share, one of the best dating tips is to make up a story and tell him. But make sure it sounds genuine and that you do this just once or twice, or the guy might soon figure out that you are fibbing just to impress him.

Make the First Move
This is the twenty first century girls! So, if you like a guy just tell him. But before doing that make sure that he is not seeing someone or dating someone. Believe it or not, but most guys would love to be asked out by a girl. Very few guys today like coy and shy girls. So, be confident and take the first step. Read "how to approach a guy" to know exactly what to do or say when you ask him out or tell him that you like him. Even if he says no, at least it will save you the botheration of finding ways to impress him.

Be a Friend
For a guy to like you, he has to consider you a friend first. So, give him time and listen to him. If he is facing some problems or relationship issues, give him your support. Pay attention to his ideas, feelings and beliefs in life. A guy is most likely to fall for a girl with whom he forms an emotional connect.

This was a short discussion about the ways to get a guy to like you again. When it comes to feelings and relationships, you can never really predict which way the wind will blow. He might like you or he may lose interest in you after a while - anything is possible. So, do not get obsessed with one particular guy. If you genuinely like him, give it time, if feelings have to develop they will eventually. But, if you feel that he is not responding, do not be hung on him. Just be yourself, act intelligent and crack a joke once in a while and there is no doubt that some guy will soon start liking you.

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