Best Ways To Talk To A Guy You Have A Crush On

How to talk to a guy you have a crush on? Is this the question that lingers in your mind, whenever you look at the really cute guy in your class? If yes, this article will give you some crucial tips which will help you to talk as well as befriend the guy whom you have a crush on.

Crushes are quite common among teenagers and young adults. A crush can be explained as an attraction which sometimes is temporary and at other times, can turn into a deeper and meaningful love. However, many times, crushes do not turn into relationships, usually because of shyness. This is more common with girls as they think that it is guys who should always take the initiative to ask them out. Nevertheless, what these girls do not understand is that many times, the guys do not even know that they have a crush on them. Hence, the first thing that you have to do is to make sure that he knows or at least has a hint that you like him. One of the best ways of doing this is to befriend him. However, if shyness or fear or rejection is making it difficult for you to approach him, here are some tips on how to talk to a guy you have a crush on.

How to Attract a Guy you Have a Crush On?

Confidence is undoubtedly the most important things that you have to possess, if you are looking for an answer to the question how to approach a guy you have a crush on. Though whenever you see him, you seem to be at loss at words and you feel butterflies in your stomach, you have to overcome shyness around guys and make the first move, if you want to know him. Here are some crucial things that you have to know about how to talk to a guy you have a crush on.

Become Friends
The first step that you have to take to know how to attract a guy you have a crush on, is to befriend him. If you have common friends, ask them to introduce you to him. However, many times friends can ruin your plan by telling the guy that you have a crush on him which can become embarrassing for you. Hence, it would be a good idea if you try to start a conversation on your own. The next time he comes across you, just smile at him and say hi. You can also begin by complementing him on his clothes or may be his new haircut. If this guy is in your class, talk to him by asking for his notes or may be to help you in your homework. As I said earlier, confidence is the key, if you want to talk to the guy you have a crush on. So, if you are feeling really scared, what I would suggest it to practice hard to appear confident. Also, think about what you would tell him when you come across, before beginning the conversation.

Be Yourself
The answer to the question, how to get a guy to notice you is to behave as you do usually. Many times, girls try to behave in a different way, when the person they like is nearby. However, girls have to understand that guys like people who are genuine and how much ever they try being what they are not, they will not be able to put up with this fake act always. Hence, the best way to attract the guy you have a crush on is by behaving the way you do normally. For instance, if you do not like a sport or a television program that he is crazy about, do not say that you are a die hard fan of the same thing. On the other hand, do not show out right hatred, if you do not like these things. Rather, show genuine interest when he talks about his areas of interests. In the same way, you should not try to change yourself to make the guy like you. For instance, it is not necessary that you have to dress up in a particular way for a guy to notice you. Instead, dress in clothes you are comfortable. This will automatically make you confident, which is one of the best things that guys find attractive in girls.

Flirt a Little
Though you should avoid talking about your liking for him during the first conversation, you must also make sure that he does not consider you as just another friend. In other words, you must ensure that he knows that you have a crush on him. Here, a little flirting around can be helpful. Eyes are one of the best way of expressing one's interest or likeness without actually saying anything. Whenever you talk to him, look into his eyes directly and hold the gaze for a few seconds. Touching his arms lightly or leaning towards him while talking can give him the signs that you are interested in him. However, make sure that you do not overdo this, as too much flirting during the initial stages of friendship may actually scare the guy.

I hope that you find this article on how to talk to a guy you have a crush on, interesting as well as helpful. Girls must understand that these tips on how to get a guy to like you will not always work and it is not necessary that the guys they have a crush on should like them back. However, they will never know if a guy is interested in them, if they do not ask. So, let shyness and fear take a backseat and try to make an attempt to talk to the guy you have a crush on. However, if he does not reciprocate your feelings, do not sit and sulk, rather just move on and you will surely find a guy who shows as much interest in you, as you show in him.

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