Best Ways To Ask a Guy Out

Asking a guy out is seen as a difficult task by girls. However, you can make this task simple by learning how to ask a guy out. This article will give you some important tips that will help you succeed in asking the cutest guy in your class to go out on a date with you...
Gone are the days when guys had the sole responsibility to ask a girl out for a date. Earlier, girls used to wait for the guys to make the first move, however, many times the guy they liked never approached them. Nevertheless, this trend is soon changing and girls today are more confident and do not want to miss a chance of going around with the person they find attractive. But, asking a guy out needs courage and how much ever you imagine and practice the conversation in front of the mirror, you may get cold feet just by looking at him. Hence, here are some simple tips on how to ask a guy out which you can follow to go on a date with the guy you want to. Read more on how to ask a girl/guy out on a date.

How to Ask a Guy Out

If you are really scared to approach the guy you want to go out with, knowing that guys love the idea of a girl asking them out may mellow down your fears. Another thing that you have to keep in mind is that never ask a guy out when he is with a group of friends. This is because most people believe that asking out is a guy's thing and he may feel embarrassed when you do it. Hence, make sure that you are alone with him while you ask him out. Read more on how to ask a girl out.

How to Ask a Guy Out in Middle School
As middle school is the time when teenagers enter the world of dating, asking out a guy should be done very cautiously. If you like a guy from your school or class, first get to know him well. Try to develop a friendship and hang out with a group of friends and do fun things or activities together, like watching a movie, going for picnics, etc. This will give you a good opportunity to know him better, i.e. about his interests, hobbies, dislikes, etc. Once you have become good friends, ask him whether he will like to go out with you, just the two of you. If he agrees, select a place where there are lot of people around like a theater, cinema, sports stadium, or an ice cream parlor. However, if the answer is in negative, do not take it too personally. The reason may not be that he does not like you, rather he may not have expected this. May be after the shock wears of he may think about it again and agree to come out with you. Know more about dating questions to get to know someone.

How to Ask a Guy Out in High School
You have been eying a really good looking guy at school, but you are not sure whether he is interested in you. If you are in the same class, you can ask him to help you out to do your homework or in solving some math problems that you find difficult. This is a good way of getting to know him and you can later ask him to go out with you. Another way will be to walk up to him and start a conversation by complementing him on his clothes or hairstyle. Flirt with him by looking into his eyes and smiling while you talk to him and also touching him subtly. If you think that he is responding to you in a similar way, this will surely be a green signal and you can put forth your question. Read more on flirting tips and flirting lines for girls.

How to Ask a Guy Out Over Text
Though asking a guy out by sending messages is not considered to be a good thing, this is acceptable in some cases. If you are too shy and are not able to gather up courage to talk to him directly, get hold of his phone number from someone. Many times, girls are able to flirt more freely and are able to say things that they find difficult to say in person, very confidently through text messages. Begin with some flirtatious messages and if he is responding in a similar manner, do not wait any longer and ask him whether he is interested in going out with you on a date. Know more about flirting tips for texting and flirty text messages to send.

How to Ask a Guy Out at Work
Now, if you want to ask your colleague to go on a date with you, do not rely on text or SMS to do the trick. He may consider it as a joke or may be too childish. The best way to ask a guy out at work will be approach him directly. Many women have the habit of beating around the bush, however what they do not know is that not many men have the capability to understand what they want to say. Hence, whatever you want to say, say it directly and clearly. Begin a conversation by asking what he will be doing on the weekend, and if he does not have any specific plans, you can ask if he would like to go out with you. Read more on asking someone for a date.

How to Ask a Guy out in a Cute Way
A really cute way to ask a guy out will be to ask him to watch a game or may be a movie with you. Tell him that you have booked two tickets for a soccer match with your friend who suddenly canceled the plan. Now, you are left with an extra ticket and do not like the idea of going there alone. This trick usually works as guys are rarely able to say no to the opportunity of watching a game live.

These are just some of the ways on how to ask a guy out. Girls can also come up with new ways to ask guys out according to the situation. However, girls should remember that the result of asking a guy out may not be positive all the time. They may have to face rejection and should learn to accept it and move on.

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