Best Funny Questions to Ask a Girl

Thinking of funny questions to ask a girl? You better have all the right ones because one question can offend her or make her smile. This article will tell you about the funny questions to ask a girl and make you score on your date.

Interesting questions always serve as great ice-breakers between two individuals. Coming up with some interesting questions to ask may actually get you a date, and if you are very lucky even a second one is possible. Usually, guys tend to become nervous because they want to make a first good impression, they just have no idea how to begin? To make sure that the meeting or date goes very well, it is necessary that the guy acts normal and feels confident in front of the girl.

Now you just can't ask the girl anything and hence it is good to know some funny questions so that she can drop the guard and have a nice time. Be sure your questions are funny and not embarrassing. Funny conversation starters play an important role in breaking the ice and making the girl feel special.

21 Funny Questions to Ask a Girl

The first date is always awkward, both the guy and girl are nervous as both of them want to make a good impression. Normally, it is expected from a guy to make the first move. This is where these questions come in handy and remember that a major part of your date also depends on how well you behave and how comfortable you make the lady feel. Here are some questions for the first meeting to know her much better.
  1. What's your favorite color? (I know it is old-fashioned but you will notice a smile on a girl's face after you have asked this question, personal experience)
  2. What are your favorite activities in your leisure time?
  3. How was your school life? Any special memory from that time?
  4. Which is your favorite holiday destination and Why? Have you ever been there?
  5. Which genre of movies do you enjoy?
  6. What's the habit you're proudest of breaking?
  7. Do you help your mom in cleaning the house on Sunday's?
  8. What are the most important qualities in a man, in your opinion?
  9. Do you liked playing with Barbie dolls, soft toys, etc? (The answer to this question depends completely on her mood, if she finds you interesting you will get the whole story or she could also answer it with a "Yes" or "No")
  10. What is your expectation from life?
  11. Are you fond of singing/dancing/acting?
  12. What was your funniest moment in life?
  13. Did you ever perform on stage?
  14. What's your most prized possession would you share with anyone? (It is probably going to be a pet, so laugh with her even if you don't find it funny)
  15. What's the best advice you've ever received? From Whom?
  16. What's the biggest change you've made in yourself?
  17. What is the one thing would I 'not' know about you at the first meeting?
  18. Which is one word that best describes yourself?
  19. Which is the one song that comes to your mind when you think of me?
  20. What was your favorite childhood television program?
  21. Name 1 thing you miss about being a kid?
Funny Questions to Ask a Girlfriend

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, this is not just a title of a bestselling book but also a hard reality of life that haunts most guys. The fact is we are very different from each other and yet we can't survive without each other. Asking your girlfriend some funny questions can make her feel very comfortable and will help you make her much more comfortable in your company.
  1. Would you like to take a stroll or join a sport activity while on the beach?
  2. What is your favorite band? (Take interest in her answer and provide inputs if you have)
  3. What is your favorite subject? What if you were made a professor of the same, for a day?
  4. Do you like to dance? Are you really good at it? If yes, can you teach me some dance steps.
  5. Do you like traveling? Which is your dream destination?
  6. What is your favorite restaurant? Which cuisines are your favorite?
  7. What would you prefer, desserts or chocolates?
  8. Is your girlfriend a working woman? Ask her about worst and good professional experiences?
  9. Do you have siblings? (If it is a boy tell her you asked her for simple reasons and if it is a girl give an indirect compliment that signifies her beauty. For instance, "Your sister must be as beautiful as you")
  10. How was your school life? Is there any particular incident that you remember till date?
  11. What's the cheesiest compliment that you have ever received, by a girl or a guy?
  12. What is your wildest fantasy till date? If it were to come true, who would you want in it?
  13. If you won a billion dollars, what would you do with it?
  14. Have you ever indulged in a cat-fight?
  15. Ask her when she stopped believing that Santa was real? (She would find this question this question very uneasy, so share your experience first to make her at ease)
  16. What was the scariest or the mushiest movie you have ever watched?
  17. What is the funniest nickname that you have been called with?
  18. What do you think is the best place in this world for a honeymoon?
These questions will help ease the tension between you two and keep the evening in good humor. Just feel confident and have a great time. Best of Luck!

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