How To Read People's Eyes

Reading people's eyes can be of great help in understanding an individual. Read on to know how to read people's eyes.
A thought in person's mind can be easily traced by looking into the eyes and reading people's faces. Reading people's eyes is a part of understanding the behavior and reading people by body language. Fortunately or unfortunately, people who have the understanding of body language can cheat through false gestures, but the eyes cannot lie. Eyes are the most expressive organ in the body. Without using a singe word, an ocean of emotions can be very simply expressed. For reading people's emotions and thought, eyes are the best way to reach their heart and mind. There are many movements of eyes that can convey many meanings. These likely meanings have been discussed here.

Before proceeding, let me tell you an important aspect of body language and reading people's eyes. An individual cannot be judged on the basis of a single gesture, posture or movement. This is because a person being an expert in body language can fake, so a cluster of body languages should be studied to do so.

How to Read People's Eyes

For reading people's body language, having knowledge of sign language can help a lot. Especially the movements of eyes can contribute a lot in reading people's minds as it is an essential part of communication. Following can be some of the ways for reading people's eyes and understanding their emotions and expressions.

Eye Contact
Eye contact, an important aspect of face reading can be of four types. First, making an eye contact that is generally observed when you like something or interested in the talk with a person. Second type is breaking eye contact that can be due to some kind of threat or guilty of something. Long eye contacts is the third type that is associated with the lovers or to something of close attention. The fourth and the last is limited eye contact that shows a feeling of insecurity or hiding something (lying).

Gazing is looking continuously at something. Now this can also have many connotations, like you can gaze at something that is of your interest, or when you are angry, or even something that you might like to have.

Winking an eye is a gesture made deliberately to conspire or to indicate something through the eyes. Winking can also be a gesture accompanied with waving of hand that is suggestive of greeting.

The eyes are narrowed down to evaluate a situation or a statement. It is also observed when a person is not able to accept something as the truth, it can also be an indicator of uncertainty.

Blinking is like a windshield wiper to clear the vision, but when the rate of blinking is increased, it can be a sign of stress or sometimes lying as well. Other than natural ways of blinking, a single blink can be an indicator of surprise or disbelief.

Looking Up
This often observed when a person is thinking, an indication of visualizing things. But sometimes looking upward during a speech or lectures can be a signal of recalling the points. Looking upward towards the left can be for memorizing and towards the right can be for imagination. At times these meanings can be reversed and become an indication of boredom.

Looking Down
Looking down can be an indication of being submissive. Sometimes a person feeling guilty of doing something wrong also cannot maintain eye contacts. The eye movements can also be culture specific, for example in some cultures maintaining eye contact is considered to be rude.

Sideways Looks
Normally, the vision is at horizontal plane and in front, but when we look away from what is in front of us it means that something interesting is distracting the normal vision. A sideways quick glance can be to have a quick look at something of your interest, or to express irritation and discomfort.

So, these are some of the unconscious eye body language signs that would help you in reading people's eyes and exploring the thoughts going on. But then, remember, it can differ from person to person. 

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