Facebook Farmville All Tricks and Cheats

Anybody who has not been living under a rock, knows that Farmville is an application in the popular social networking site Facebook and it has gained much popularity. Farmville addicts like myself, are always on a lookout for new Farmville tricks and tips that will make my farm grow and make me a very rich farmer. So if you too are looking for Farmville secrets and Farmville tips that will allow you to quickly get ahead in your game, then you are on the right page. Here we will reveal to you all the Farmville tricks and cheats that will get you more and more Farmville coins and also increase your level in the game.

Tricks and Cheats for Farmville

I have been harping upon this Farmville trick for a long time, but will say it again. The best way to speed up the game is not by some Farmville cheat codes but by a game glitch. All you need to do to take advantage of this glitch is to purchase four fences or hedges from the market and lock the Farmville farmer. You can do this by placing the four fences or hedges in a square and locking in the farmer inside the square. Once you have locked in the farmer, see how fast you are able to plow and harvest your crops and trees. This in turn will allow you to gain more Farmville coins as well as experience.

One big problem that many of us face is that we have a lot of Farmville coins but not enough XP which will lead to attaining higher levels. To solve this problem, there are some very good Farmville tricks and cheats that will make you gain more XP. First make space in your farm and start plowing 10 to 20 squares of land which will cost you 15 coins per square. Now take an inexpensive crop like soybean that cost only 15 Farmville coins and start planting them. When you are done planting soybeans, immediately click on the shovel tool and delete these squares of land on which soybeans have been planted. You will gain experience by plowing the land as well as planting soybeans. Now repeat the whole procedure two or three more times until you have gained a lot of XPs. In this way you will lose some Farmville coins but gain a lot of XP that is needed to increase your level in the game. This is one of the best Farmville cheats that work.

Another good Farmville secrets guide is to send and receive multiple gifts. To do this ask a family member or friend who plays Farmville and is your neighbor to log on to his Facebook account in Firefox. Log in to the Farmville application and go to the page that says "Free Gifts". Now instead of selecting and sending gifts right away, right click the Free Gifts button and select "Open in new window". Open up several windows in this way. Now select a different gift that you need in each of the windows and select your name from the list of Farmville friends. Click on the confirm button and send button one after the other in each of the windows and each window that you had opened will send you the free gift selected. This Farmville hacks is called the unlimited gifts cheat. Friends and family can thus send you many gifts in this way. Once you have accumulated the gifts, sell any decorative items like fences, lamppost, hedges, ponds and trellis as they just take up too much space. Keep any high income giving trees like avocado, banana, grapefruit, olive and starfruit as once you plant them they give you 50 to 120 coins at regular interval. Sell any other ornamental trees like cherry as they only take up a lot of space.

Another one of Farmville tricks and cheats that you can use is to buy a lot of hay bales. Hay bales cost just 125 farm coins but give you 5 XP. So go crazy and purchase a lot of hay bales to get more XPs by spending less money. Yesterday I tried implementing this Farmville trick by filling up my entire farm with hundreds of hay bales stacked together. I quickly earned a lot of XP which helped me to increase my level in the game. You can later use the hay bales to create Farmville layouts and Farmville farm designs and sell any that you don't need.

These were some Farmville tricks and cheats that you can use to increase your level quickly in the game. Playing Farmville is quite addictive and you will soon be able to come up with smarter game cheats and strategies to increase farm coins and experience and make your farm the best one.
Farmville, a game launched by Zynga, on the most widely used social networking site, Facebook has become one of the most popular games among internet users of all age groups. Farming ideally implies a lot of hard work and patience. But what's the harm in adding a dash of smartness to it? Here are some Farmville cheat codes to help you grow faster in terms of experience as well as Farmville coins. You can use these game cheats and watch the faces of your competitors go green with envy! One can also think about using the Farmville cheat engine to reduce the level of difficulty.

Farmville Cheats to Gain Experience

For most players, advancing to a higher level is the major concern as against earning money. There are two important Farmville tricks to gain experience at the expense of a few coins.

Soybean Trick
Keep a small part of land free, so that you can use this trick repetitively whenever you are free. Approximately ten plots of your farm will suffice for this trick. Now, start with plowing these plots, then visit the market and buy soybean seeds. Sow these seeds on the plowed plots. After this is done, use the recycle tool to delete these plots. You might wonder, what is the point of taking all the efforts if you just have to delete the plots in the end? But you will notice, being one of the sneakiest Farmville cheat codes, that your experience points rise with this simple task!

Haybale Trick
The other trick is the haybale trick, which is relatively simpler but not as effective. In this trick, you simply have to buy a haybale and sell it off. At the end of this transaction, you lose a net amount of 95 Farmville coins, but gain 5 experience points. Getting into the math of both these tricks, plowing and planting soybean on 10 plots will cost you 300 coins and give you 30 points of experience. So, each point costs 10 coins. Whereas, in the haybale trick, each point costs 19 coins. Simplicity or efficiency? The choice is yours.

Farmville Cheats for Money and Other Gains

Unlimited Gifts
One of the easy Farmville cheat codes is best used with your Farmville buddies. On the other hand, if you have only competitors as against friends, then you can opt for a fake account. However, doing this with a friend makes the benefit mutual. Officially, you cannot send more than one gift to any person in a day. Once you send a gift, the name of that friend is removed from the list of people you can send gifts to, for that day. There is a way to get around this. Right click on the free-gifts icon, and open the link in either a new window or a new tab. Select any gift in each tab and proceed to the next stage. Then select your friends. You will observe that the same list appears on each tab. Then press 'confirm'. For this trick to work, it is necessary that all the tabs progress simultaneously. So be patient and switch tabs for every stage. You can also try out some Farmville cash cheats to gain some easy cash.

Lock Yourself
One of the easy Farmville cheats and tips is to be yourself, I mean be in your farmer avatar. The cute little fellow can be quite a hindrance to your speed while farming. All you need is two fences and some free space in the corner of your field. You need to make a small enclosed space to lock the farmer while you work. Arrange the two fences perpendicular to each other to form two sides of your enclosure and let the two sides of the farm, which meet at the corner, act as the remaining two sides. Whenever you have to work, move the farmer into this enclosure and then proceed to work. This will save you a lot of precious time, as a free farmer would otherwise walk his way slowly to a plot and work at his slow pace, no matter how fast you click your mouse. This Farmville tip should help in working with speed.

Use Animal Homes
One of the simplest Farmville cheat codes is to that when you have chicken coops, dairy farms and horse stables, they can prove to be very useful. They take up less space than what the number of animals they hold would take, if arranged outside. Also, collecting goodies from animals becomes ten times faster. It would be wise to sell the other animals because no animals help you earn experience points and they simply take up space. This space, if utilized for sowing seeds, would reap higher benefits. This is one of the easy Farmville cheats that work. But if you happen to be an animal lover, you can still keep them arranged on one side of a farm. Making a cozy fenced shelter for them can make your farm 'look' better, but then you're losing out on some serious space.

Sell Gifts
This is one of the smart Farmville cheats that works. Gifts come free of cost, and it is best to sell them and earn profit. If you receive trees as gifts, you can keep them till they bear fruits and then, you can sell them off. This is because trees take up space and take a very long time to bear fruit and even then, the fruits don't earn you any appreciable amount of coins.

Choose Your Crops Smartly
If you are at your desk all day long, it is best to plant blueberries, which are ready for harvesting every 4 hours. It is also smart to plant a variety of crops and not the same ones repeatedly on your field. But if you visit Facebook, only after certain fixed time intervals, you can plant the same crop all over, so that you don't have to login again and again for each crop separately. Also, for players who visit daily, the best crops I would suggest are peas, sunflowers and grapes. They earn you appreciable coins as well as 'xp' (experience) points.

Stacking fences is a way of adding aesthetic value to your farm. In reality, it is just an illusion of a stack. The fences are actually all placed on the ground, but arranged behind each other in a specific angle that gives them the appearance of a stack. Using these Farmville farm designs and other tricks helps in making the game easier and interesting.

Finally, a word of caution. There are a lot of Farmville cheat codes and software such as the Autobot, which runs on your computer and automizes farming. Using such Farmville cheats that work, is a risk, because Zynga can track such bots and can permanently ban your account. Not just that, it can track your IP address and ban all accounts connected to this IP address. It is safe to use just smart Farmville cheats that work well and to not cause any issue with the providers of such an interesting game. After all, it's the excitement associated with farming that makes this game tick. So, enjoy the game and keep farming buddies!

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